February 20, 2023

Healing From Trauma

Going through a traumatic event can be a difficult journey, and you may feel sad and weighed down by your pain. But take comfort in knowing that there is hope for healing. With the right tools and support system, you can begin to rebuild, find peace, and reclaim your sense of safety once more. 

Let these self-help strategies be your guide as you journey toward a brighter tomorrow.

What is Emotional and Psychological Trauma?

Picture yourself walking through life, feeling confident and secure in the world around you. Suddenly, you are faced with an event that shakes the foundation of your being and leaves you feeling lost and broken. 

This event, known as emotional and psychological trauma, can stem from a range of circumstances, such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, accidents, natural disasters, combat, and acts of terrorism.

Trauma has the power to shatter our sense of safety, leaving us feeling vulnerable and exposed. 

It can invade our thoughts, producing vivid flashbacks and nightmares that make it difficult to find peace. 

It can cause us to feel overwhelming emotions like fear, anger, guilt, and shame. It can even interfere with our ability to form meaningful relationships, work effectively, or carry out daily tasks.

Self-Care for Trauma Can Help

Self-care is an essential part of the healing process for those who have experienced psychological and emotional trauma. Here are some tips for self-care that can help with the healing process.

Acknowledge and validate your feelings.

Acknowledging feelings about trauma can aid healing by enabling processing and understanding of emotions and thoughts associated with it. This reduces feelings of shame, guilt, or anxiety and increases feelings of empowerment, control, and self-awareness. 

Processing feelings in a safe environment can improve understanding of the impact of trauma and promote growth, healthier coping mechanisms, and overall well-being.

Write in a journal, talk to a trusted friend or therapist, or participate in art or music therapy.

Practice mindfulness.

Practicing mindfulness can be an effective way to help heal from trauma. It can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and help increase self-awareness and self-reflection, which can lead to a better understanding of how trauma has affected you and your life.

By practicing mindfulness, you can also learn to control and manage your emotions in a healthy manner, reduce reactivity, and develop more effective coping mechanisms.

Additionally, mindfulness can help reduce the tendency to ruminate on negative thoughts and emotions, which can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma.

To be more mindful, focus on the present moment and engage in activities that bring you peace and relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Develop a self-care routine.

Developing a self-care routine with enjoyable activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being can help heal trauma. It reduces anxiety and depression, promotes emotional control and healthy emotional expression, and increases resilience.

Incorporate activities into your daily routine that you enjoy and that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This could include exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.

Reach out to others.

Reaching out to others can help in the healing process from trauma in several ways. 

Connecting with supportive people such as friends, family, or a therapist can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to express your thoughts and feelings, promoting healing and reducing feelings of isolation. As well, trauma can make you feel isolated, but reaching out to others can increase feelings of social connectedness, leading to improved mood and well-being.

Take care of your physical health.

Regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep can all improve your physical and mental health and help you feel better. These practices can help to create a foundation for physical and emotional well-being, which can in turn help to mitigate the effects of trauma and support the healing process.

Set healthy boundaries.

Setting boundaries is an important aspect of the healing process for trauma. Setting boundaries can help to reclaim this sense of control and provide a sense of safety and security. It helps to define what is and isn't acceptable in terms of interactions with others, which can be especially important for individuals who have experienced trauma related to boundary violations. 

Boundaries can also serve as a form of self-care and protection, allowing individuals to prioritize their own needs and well-being. By setting and enforcing boundaries, individuals can work towards regaining agency and power over their lives, which can be a crucial step in the healing process for trauma.

Practice self-compassion.

Be kind and understanding with yourself, and avoid self-criticism. Focus on self-compassion and self-forgiveness rather than self-blame.

Remember, healing from trauma is a journey that takes time and patience. Incorporating self-care into your routine can help you to feel better and cope with the challenges of healing.

When to Get More Help

Recovering from trauma can be a difficult and complex process, and seeking professional help is often necessary for a full recovery. Here are some signs that indicate it may be time to seek professional help.

Intrusive thoughts or memories.

If you are constantly haunted by traumatic memories, or you have nightmares or flashbacks that are affecting your daily life, it may be time to seek help.

Avoidance behaviors.

If you find yourself avoiding certain people, places, or activities that are associated with the trauma, it may be a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Emotional distress.

Trauma can cause intense emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, and shame. If these emotions are overwhelming and interfere with your daily life, it may be time to seek help.

Substance abuse.

Substance abuse is a common way of coping with trauma, but it can lead to further problems. If you are struggling with addiction, it may be time to seek help.

Difficulty functioning.

If you are having trouble with relationships, work, or school, it may be a sign that the trauma is affecting your life in a negative way.

Physical symptoms.

Trauma can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, body aches, and fatigue. If these symptoms persist, it may be time to seek help.

Suicidal thoughts.

If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it is important to seek help immediately. In the United States, call 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or visit https://988lifeline.org/.

For international phone numbers and additional resources, search the Mental Health Resources area of the Remble app.

Remember, seeking professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Reclaim Your Sense of Safety

Healing from trauma is not an easy journey. Still, by facing your pain, processing your emotions, and learning healthy coping mechanisms, you can reclaim your sense of safety and move towards a more fulfilling life.​​ 

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