Hi! We're Remble.

We’re an ambitious team on a bold mission to close gaps in care and make on-demand mental health support accessible to everyone.

Our Journey and Mission

Remble Health's story began in 2020, founded by Jordan Green, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Initially, we focused on providing consumers with accessible mental health resources during the pandemic. Jordan's vision was shaped by her experience in growing a significant therapy-focused online community, aiming to connect individuals globally with therapy content for improved mental health and relationships.

As Remble Health evolved, our mission expanded from serving individual consumers to also supporting providers, payors, and the public sector. Alongside Ron Timoshenko, our technology expert, we rebranded and broadened our scope. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we embarked on a journey to offer more inclusive and comprehensive mental health care solutions.
A cornerstone of Remble Health is our unwavering commitment to providing 24/7 mental health and addiction recovery support. This round-the-clock availability is crucial in ensuring that individuals facing mental health challenges or battling addiction have constant access to the support they need, regardless of the time or location. Our services are offered in multiple languages, reflecting our dedication to breaking down barriers and making mental health care universally accessible and inclusive.

Today, Remble Health is a leader in mental health and wellness education, offering innovative, empathetic solutions to various mental health needs. Our evolution from a consumer-centric platform to a multifaceted resource for various stakeholders in the mental health arena demonstrates our commitment to enhancing access to mental health and addiction recovery support for everyone, everywhere.


years of combined therapy experience


therapist-led video sessions


lives we aspire to change

Meet our passionate team

Meet our mental health contributors here


Our Investors




If you’re interested in joining our team, send us an email at support@remble.com

Contact Us

If you are interested in partnering or doing research with us, please contact us at bryan@remble.com.